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Select Your Contribution Level
Book Booster ($10-$100)
Student Supporter ($101-$500)
Program Provider ($501-$1,000)
Academic Ally ($1,001-$5,000)
School Sponsor ($5,001+)
With your contribution, we can do the following: 

$10-$100 Book Booster:
Fund new books each year, many of which are given to our young scholars to keep at the end of the year. 

$101-$500 Student Supporter:
Provide support for up to 24 3rd grade students in each school we serve. 

$501-$1,000 Program Provider: 
Support one of the three innovative components of our Aiming Higher program. 

$1,001-$5,000 Academic Ally: 
Help to pay staff to maintain the high level of programming we provide in each school we serve. 

$5,001+ School Sponsor: 
Help expand our mission to bring our successful program to more students who need our help.